
Just thoughts - Boston 4

Now let's talk about last night.
Are there words yet, again? Cause I only remember colors and I, -haha- can't stop the smile at the turn of every unrelated thought.
    It's all "just happy thoughts" blended at night. It's all the best I've ever seen of you, who you are, and what's formed together behind that handsome face.

I should get it together. I should start organizing back to cool factor - I should ready for the time between again... with vague metaphors and work around distractions.
    But if all I ever say right, are a few words of this space, then I've done a goodness to the future. To the heart, and all it has ahead; unknown.

Let's remember how we slept,
where we placed one another in movements
- and what the morning sounded like.

Let's meet at the top of something, or say something like that... But ya know, wherever it goes doesn't matter for now - cause for nights ahead I'll sigh asleep thinking of that memory. I'll see it on the seas, I'll hear it in the rhythm, and I'll think of you that way.

Because I laugh at all the ways you just exist, and you never quite get my joke. But we walk through city after city with everything to say and no way to choose.
So lead where to follow, or look at me with that happy goodbye - it'll all work out either way.

    For now, this morning in your arms will be my happy place for all of what I can see onward, into summer.

. . .

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