I laid in bed all evening, because it was the kind to do so. ----- One where tired, hot feet rest in cool, white sheets-- hair still smells of sand -- and your body, feels good. A lovers kind of night, when joy fills long silences…and both get so happily lost in the playing field of a bed. Lost, what a wide word. Lost, like I've been a time again. ------ Knowing the sun is setting from the reflections between heavy hotel curtains. Not daring to move and brake the trance of lonely trails of mild revelations and word-spells.
What is it about this city that feels this way? Something about the way nothing comes to mind for a response to all the great mess quietly forming around my head like a grimy, binding, fog. Something about the wide streets and wonderful sites, and grey - grey - shiny grey- all around. And the people -- so many of them. All the hours that I walked today.
Want to fly home tomorrow just to move, want to fly back just to feel. Want everything all at once --- liked I used to say. But it's so much farther away than a townhouse down the road bursting broken with passion and cut ecstasy.