
Our nothing new

Are we really running out of reasons to be, forgetting how to see? How to see all thats there in the breeze when the rigging clanks, the ropes twirl, and when I beg to know something new.Photobucket
You see, there's a place I still come home to, that so few do get invited to. 
Where there's so many places that know (if they could only talk), of a decade's worth of friendships. 
All the rules we've mocked, the employees we've befriended, the toys we've had, the islands we've visited, the games-and music-we've seen played...the ones we've cuddled/kissed/ditched/danced with/fought with. Known. 
------We sit at the bar we once stood on tiptoes to order fountain soda at, we safely push the carts we raced & almost drove over the edge, and we watch our replacements making our memories...I still remember how we used to giggle, and wiggle toes, and watch the ground that felt so sacred.

Do the walls remember? 
Do our moments burn the pebbled ground?
Cause it's all there all at once. I think I feel it all. I think I ache for it all...when the sun is minutes from rising; when there's still a dark nighttime on the water, liquor in our tired bodies, and a fabulous legend of tonight...when tomorrow's humidity hovers and there's no one new coming.


In the morning after, I was cleaning and scrubbing in the hot late May burn and laughing in the hearty way of children with long lives and empty stomachs
                   A thousand footprints beneath my own wet toes, and they're running down the sides...half-drowned remnants of another night of revelry. 
Added to the long list no one else understands. We're proud little pirates about that, 
and we're bad little Brats, and we're Captains' kids/grandkids that can never remember why we love an outdated place. The three philosophers try, to the destiny of never stopping- the mess, the story, the family.

So darlings, think I'll see you'all in a couple weeks for our next holiday weekend! 
                                                                                    And when its dark outside and the band starts a steamy slowsong on the dance floor, I'll think of dancing with that someone new...Cause sometimes you need to remember why we needed to dance as kids. Why it felt like everything all at once could happen. 
We forget to realize that sometimes the timing is just off--not always ready for what's wanted, but the split still hurts.

Climb the fence and join the summertime...
There's nothing new but adventures.

Daily headphones: "I feel Home" by Oar, local friends Railaway's "Unforgettable", "Blame it on the Alcohol", Kings of Leon's "Revelry"...........and "ON A BOAT"


(Poem-"I Saw")

Is it actually summer? Staring out my window @ work like all these new things aren't new-besides the cleaner desk and posted grades. Looking forward to a gorgeous 3day weekend on the water and by the pool (boat to myself), and making up vacations to take time off. Damn, I think we're adults now. Who cares-they say its summer?

AND, here's a new(ish) piece of mine, w/ working title...

" There you were when, when it, it began to bite you,
With the popping bubbles of the vase bottom-
The sticky mortar of every pill and drink and gaping wound.
And each shrunk-muscle convulsed in such a way,
That you tw-twitched against the music.
Reverberated. Detached to the corner of the room.

In the corner of the room-they were already leaving you.
With the anxious questions you kept repeating-
Kept repeating,
Kept repeating, under screeched tones-
The frantic pattern of noiseless begging.
Out of control, they made you;
Just another Frankenstein for no amusement.

And still off to the side he was watching you;
Soaking and salivating the skin of our genes-
Cause everything you did was great,
very one of your gears were beginning to riot red.
And everyone you loved was lost.

And on, he kept sucking, down, all the view of it, down-
Into the place where they tinkered the wires-
With lines long past straight-
His own broken nightmare staring back.
And he's wanting you to just pretend-
That you can live to have a Dead man's life.
And he's wanting you to just give in-
To what shakes awake in your cold sweats.

And he's wanting you.
Rubbing the fingernails together in his pocket
That still have their traces of, their traces inside of me."


Video/Link break #5

EEK finals are in full tsunami mode for us college kids, except for those lucky jerks already done (grrr). Enjoy a random gathering of things to explore/watch. (And, make sure to check out links, videos and other blogs found on my right column...)

Go to 1.15m, so FUNNY (no sound needed):

• Apparently the Farmer's market downtown has already opened 
• Corrin Campbell Band is playing the Quarter on Bourbon Street this Friday, stop by!
• Design web blog, love the header layout [http://badassideas.com/designer-interviews/